All Your Questions Answered:
- So What's It All About, Then?
- How Does It Work?
- What Does It Cost?
- What About Open Mic Nights?
- Why Local & Live?
- Which Areas Are Included?
- How Can Venues & Musicians Help?
- What Can Go on Venue Pages?
- Would You Link To Other Music Sites?
Other useful pages:
Special thanks to Nigel, who has helped in many ways; Thanks to the bands, many of which keep me in their loop, and not forgetting the venues, who (mostly) are both helpful and generous (you know who you are!).
And a wee tribute to Mike of the Neppy, who shared his knowledge of pubs and bands - and gave me some useful tips. His support in the early days made a big difference. Thank you Mike.
So What's It All About, Then?
Local&Live aims to list every free music gig in Whitstable, Herne Bay, Canterbury and the villages - we miss a few, but we're by far the most comprehensive site for free gigs, and we're always looking for more venues to include, more bands / musicians to add. You can help!
How Does It Work?
The front page shows all the local free gigs, while Band pages will show band videos. Venue pages will show all the free gigs at that venue.
What Does It Cost?
Nothing. Nada. Zilch. The site is free to access, no membership required. For venues and bands / musicians, all the basic stuff is free, always has been, and always will be. If you want extra, we can talk about advertising ... but chances are you can do it for free.
What About Open Mic Nights?
Open Mic Nights are good for new bands, good for pubs (including those who cannot - yet - support a regular band). You tell us, and we'll add it to your venue page.
Why Local & Live?
Plenty of sites list paid events, but no-one else offers the service we do:
- For local people, a comprehensive and up-to-date listing of free gigs.
- For musicians, a place to showcase what they're doing
- For venues, a place to publicise their live music
There are many fine musician sites, and some good pub sites, but they don't link up too well. We do.
The trouble with the national, regional and county-wide listing sites is that they are too often out of date, half empty, or just plain wrong.
Which Areas Are Included?
We cover Whitstable, Canterbury, Herne Bay and the surrounding villages - that's an area that it's possible to keep on top of! We will not be expanding to other areas, but where another site covers that area, we'll link to that site here. We believe it's better to cover the local area well, than a larger area really badly!
How Can Venues & Musicians Help?
Tell us about gigs, preferably well in advance!
The site can only work if bands and pubs support it with information - and if music lovers keep us informed of new bands, new venues, and report corrections, too. We're ALWAYS grateful for any information you can pass our way. We love corrections and criticism - vital for our success.
What Extra Info Can Go On Venue Pages?
Venues are welcome to offer any content for 'their' page, and provided we can squeeze it in the site design, know that 'yes' is usually the answer. But keep it clean - today's kids at the door looking in are tomorrow's music fans, so we don't want to fall foul of auto-censors. Content might include:
- A Website Link
- A Facebook Link
- Photos
- Description / Blurb / Detail**
Would You Link To Other Music Sites?
We are happy to consider links to other sites which feature live music in our area (Whitstable, Canterbury, Herne Bay and around). Links to not-for-profit organisations are - of course - free; others are welcome to advertise. See some Great Sites
Andrew Heenan
Head Honcho
PS - Listings are free to Musos and Venues ... and always will be.
Thanks to Nigel, for YouTube research, proofreading and multifarious suggestions, most of which are taken up as soon as I find the time!
**Just the facts, Ma'am; the editor's decision is final.
Thanks for visiting, thanks for reading this ... and thanks in advance for any contributions.